
Information on unblocking blocked German accounts


The German Embassy Colombo can issue a consular certificate in order to unblock your blocked account with your German bank if you have

• not applied for a visa to enter Germany,
• applied for a visa but withdrew the application,
• applied for and obtained a visa but have not used it, or
• applied for and received a visa for entry, traveled, but have left Germany again before receiving a residence permit from the Aliens Office.

If your application for a national visa has been rejected, the notice of rejection is sufficient to unblock the blocked account.

How do I apply and what costs are incurred?

An application can only be made in person (yourself or your representative with written power of attorney) in the Legal and Consular Section of this Embassy. Please check the current opening hours on the website of the Embassy Colombo. It is not possible to send the application by post. A fee of 25 EUR (payable by credit card or in cash in Sri Lankan Rupees) is charged for the consular certificate.

What documents must be submitted?

• Completed application form for the unblocking of the blocked account (see below)
• proof of the blocked account (e. g. bank statement etc.)
• Current and if necessary old passport (in case of loss of passport: police certificate of loss)

In individual cases it may be necessary to submit further documents. Please note that valid visas to
enter Germany as a student will be revoked.

Application for a consular certificate to unblock a blocked account in Germany

To the German Embassy Colombo
Legal and consular section

I hereby apply for the issue of a consular certificate to unblock my blocked bank account in Germany.
My data are as follows:
Name ______________________ First name: _________________________Gender:_____
Date of birth (day/month/year): _________________, passport number: ________________
Phone:____________________________, E-Mail:_________________________________
Name of the
Bank branch

o I have not applied for a visa to enter Germany.
o I have applied for a visa but withdrew the application.
o I have applied for and received a visa to enter Germany, but have not entered.
o I have been granted a visa and have entered Germany. I left Germany again before I applied for and
received a residence permit at the Aliens Office.

I declare that I have not commenced my stay in Germany or that my stay in Germany has ended. I have been instructed that I must apply for a visa if I wish to enter Germany (again) for this or any other purpose. If my national visa is still valid, I request it to be cancelled by the Embassy.

If applicable: I have registered with the registration office before leaving Germany.
o Yes
o No

(place)_________, the (date) __________


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