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German Embassy Colombo
Please note that starting from 20th January 2025 students can submit their application through the Online Portal. The existing waiting list for appointments will be closed. However, due to high demand it will only be possible to apply through Online Portal for the winter semester 2025/2026. You can still already register on the Online Portal. You will be informed once you can submit your application.
Ambassador Dr. Felix Neumann
I am looking forward to further deepening the relations between our two countries. We will continue our support for Sri Lanka for a sustainable economic & financial recovery as well as its development goals. Germany is here as a friend.
Ambassador Dr. Felix Neumann
Address and opening hours
Time difference to Germany: Summer: + 3,5 hours, Winter: + 4,5 hours
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, P.O. Box 658, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Administrative / consular district
Sri Lanka and Maldives
Consular- & Visa Section: 43, Temple Lane Colombo 3 - Sri Lanka
The Visa and Consular Section is accessible to people with disabilities.
Opening hours:
Legal/Consular Affairs: Wednesday 09:30 – 11.30
Attestation of documents required for studies in Germany: Monday, 08.30-10.30 only
Passport, national Visa: By appointment only (online)! German Passport: Tuesday + Thursday – By appointment only (online)!
Schengen Visa: Submission of applications only through the Visa Service Centre VFS
Telephone hours: Tuesday & Thursday 1.30 pm - 3.00 pm - Please note that questions pertaining to the status of visa applications cannot be answered due to German data protection regulations. Such enquiries need to be presented using the contact form.
For general enquiries regarding visa applications please read carefully the information provided on this website before calling the Visa Section!
Opening hours
Monday to Friday by appointment only: please call or send a mail via the contact form below
For details of the Consular & Visa Section please see above
Please note that the Embassy and the Consular & Visa section will be closed on the following public Holidays.